The 5 Most Common Headaches

The 5 Most Common Headaches

The 5 Most Common Headaches


No matter who you are, you may have experienced a headache at least once in your life. The degree of pain that can come with a headache can vary depending on the headache itself. Most people who have ever experienced a severe headache are subsequently aware of how miserable the pain can be. Even if the discomfort lasts for only a few minutes, sufferers want to be able to develop a plan of action for ridding themselves of the pain. By becoming aware of the various types of headaches, individuals are more likely to be able to determine the proper course of action.

Some pain arises simply through the process of contracting the common cold or flu. Whenever the body comes down with a head cold for example, excessive amounts of mucus can be produced in an attempt to catch the offending virus and drive it out of the affected area. A headache very commonly occurs with this scenario. This article will mention some of the types of headaches that exist and that are important to be aware of.

1. Tension Headaches

Tension headaches are the most common, affecting about 75% of all headaches sufferers. Muscle tension in the head and neck usually causes these types of headaches. Muscles tension in the head and neck usually results from bad posture, social or psychological stress, or fatigue. Researches show that as many as 90% of adults have had a tension type headache.

2. Migraines

Migraines are severe headaches that pulse or throb vigorously through the skull. When a person experiences one of these headaches, they tend to have a sensitivity to sound and light. Nausea and or vomiting are also commonly associated symptoms.

3. Cluster Headaches

Cluster headaches are the least common type of primary headaches and occur almost exclusively in males. They are usually extremely painful and have a pattern of occurring in “clusters,” usually at the same time of the day for several weeks. They are described as constant, profound and excruciating, always located on one side of the head. There may be associated symptoms such as a runny or blocked nose, nausea or droopy, red, teary eyes.

4. Rebound Headaches

Rebound headaches may occur among people with tension type headaches as well as in those with migraines. It appears to be the result of taking prescription or nonprescription pain relievers on a frequent basis contrary to directions on the package label. If prescription or nonprescription pain relievers are overused, the headaches may “rebound” as the last dose wears off, leading one to take more and more pills. It is best to see your primary care physician at this point.

5. Sinus Headaches

Sinus headaches occur when the sinuses are inflamed. This may happen when you have allergies, a cold or an infection of some sort. These headaches are situated around the nose and forehead region and can cause a dull ache. This headache usually goes away when treatment for it has been given.

The most common types of headaches usually are not serious but may occur again and again over a long period. Several different contributing factors lead to the development of tension headaches, migraines, cluster headaches and sinus headaches. After reading the brief descriptions above, it may be easier now to differentiate and determine which one you may be experiencing.

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