Homeopathic & Natural Remedies

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The Benefits of Echinacea on Health and Well-Being

The Benefits of Echinacea on Health and Well-Being

  Most people take Echinacea supplements to fight the common cold and the flu. Some use it as a natural immune-boosting agent. What you may not know is that Echinacea also protects against cancer, improves digestion, and relieves pain. Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are highly prized in the medical community. This North American flower […]

Discover the Health Benefits of Activated Carbon

The Health Benefits of Activated Carbon

  Have you ever wondered what activated carbon is good for? After all, it’s available in just about any health store. Some experts say that it absorbs and eliminates toxins from the body. Others believe that it lowers cholesterol levels, prevents hangovers, and improves digestion. Could these claims be true? Activated carbon-or activated charcoal-is one […]