Over the past decades, high fructose corn syrup has emerged as a better alternative to sugar. It’s found in thousands of foods, from cereals and fruit juices to low-carb chocolate and protein bars.
4 Easy Hacks to Get Your Body Ready for Summer

4 Easy Hacks to Get Your Body Ready for Summer
Ready to show off your body in that favorite bathing suit? Or perhaps you’re struggling to get rid of those extra pounds you’ve put on last winter? The hot season is around the corner, so you don’t have too much time left. You need a quick solution to slim down while staying healthy and full of energy.
Forget about crash diets and try these easy hacks to get your body ready for summer:
1. Give Your Breakfast a Protein Boost
Are you still eating cereals and waffles for breakfast? Big mistake! Swap carbs for protein to get lasting energy and lose weight faster.
This nutrient keeps your blood sugar stable, so you’ll stay energized for hours. Plus, it boosts your metabolism and promotes lean muscle growth.
2. Add Some Variety
If you’re always lifting heavy, add some cardio to the mix. Go jogging or swimming, plan a hiking trip, or take MMA classes. Experiment with tabata and other high-intensity interval training exercises as well. These training methods will skyrocket your fat-burning engine.
Over time, your body adapts to exercise. This leads to fitness and weight loss plateaus. Keep your workouts varied to shock your muscles and get faster results in less time.
3. Cut Back on Liquid Calories
One cup of soda has a day’s worth of sugar. Fruit juices aren’t better either. There are over 25.8 grams of carbs in a single glass of orange juice. Commercial varieties are even higher in sugar and empty calories. Not to mention cocktails, liquors, and caffeinated beverages, which are so popular in the hot season.
Cut back on liquid calories and switch to water. Unsweetened herbal tea, black coffee, vegetable juices, and protein shakes are a great choice too.
Diet soda is fine as long as you don’t go overboard. It still contains preservatives, additives, and harmful chemicals that may affect your health in the long run.
4. Switch to Grass-Fed Meat
Conventionally grown and processed meats might be the reason why you’re not losing those pesky pounds. These foods are loaded with antibiotics and growth hormones that cause your body to store fat.
Farmers give these treatments to poultry, cattle, and other animals to make them grow faster. If you eat conventionally grown meat regularly, you may experience this side effect too. Basically, you’ll gain weight despite eating a balanced diet. That’s why health experts recommend switching to organic grass-fed meat.
These weight loss hacks can go a long way toward a slim body and better health. Try them yourself before summer kicks in! The results might surprise you.
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