Over the past decades, high fructose corn syrup has emerged as a better alternative to sugar. It’s found in thousands of foods, from cereals and fruit juices to low-carb chocolate and protein bars.
Protect Your Child from Mercury & Lead Toys

Protect Your Children from Mercury and Lead Covered Toys
Does your child love his fidget spinner? Is he playing with it all day long? Believe it or not, this cute little toy could kill him. Fidget spinners along with other toys boast dangerous amounts of mercury and lead. These heavy metals are found in paint, ball bearings, and blades as well as other metallic parts.
The Dark Side of Kids’ Toys
According to a study conducted on 1,500 popular kids’ toys, one of three contained high levels of arsenic, lead, mercury, and other chemicals. Other studies have found that one-third of Chinese toys boast heavy metals. A green toy ring, for instance, had 1,200 times more lead than allowed under EU safety standards.
The toxic substances found in these products can be ingested, inhaled, or absorbed through the skin. Lead, for example, is widely used in plumbing, construction, and painting materials. Prolonged exposure can damage the nervous system, kidneys, brain, and reproductive organs. Babies and children are the most vulnerable.
Lead poisoning has been linked to developmental delay, speech and language problems, impaired muscle coordination, and decreased bone and muscle growth. Children may also experience seizures and loss of consciousness. Even exposure to small amounts of lead may cause toxicity.
Mercury is just as dangerous. This heavy metal can affect your child’s immune system, lungs, kidneys, brain, and heart. It also impairs the nervous system, interfering with children’s ability to learn and think. In the long run, exposure to mercury and lead can irreversibly damage kids’ cognitive development and IQ.
How to Keep Your Child Safe
The good news is that there are steps you can take to keep your child safe from heavy metals. First of all, avoid buying toys made in China. This label alone is a red flag. Secondly, watch your children to make sure they don’t chew or swallow toys. Ask them to wash their hands thoroughly when they are finished playing.
Another option is to purchase a lead test kit, which can be found at local hardware stores. However, this test will only detect lead, not mercury or arsenic. As a rule of thumb, steer clear of fidget spinners, toys bought from dollar stores, and kids’ products made in China. Stuffed, organic, and handmade toys are the safest option.
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