Over the past decades, high fructose corn syrup has emerged as a better alternative to sugar. It’s found in thousands of foods, from cereals and fruit juices to low-carb chocolate and protein bars.
Who doesn’t love the gorgeous color of raspberry ice cream or caramel? Not to mention many of those fruity juices and sodas. Unfortunately, it’s exactly those beautiful colors that can make us sick.
Want to hit the gym more often but you’re short on time? No problem! Who says you need a gym to get your workout done?
We are cultivating a community of health-conscious, goal-orientated, and productive individuals. We promote natural, safe products that are as good for the environment as they are for the body.
Protect Your Child from Mercury & Lead Toys- Does your child love his fidget spinner? Is he playing with it all day long? Believe it or not, this cute little toy could kill him. Fidget spinners along with other toys boast dangerous amounts of mercury and lead. These heavy metals are found in paint, ball bearings, and blades as well as other… Continue Reading
The Dangers of High Fructose Corn Syrup- Go to the nearest grocery store and you'll find dozens of products containing high fructose corn syrup. Surprisingly, most of them are located in the health food department or marketed as diet-friendly. Believe it or not, this ingredient is anything but healthy. Over the past decades, high fructose corn syrup has emerged as a… Continue Reading
The Unexpected Health Benefits of Onions- Onions may not smell too great, but they're a wonder food for your health. These popular vegetables belong to the same family as garlic and boast various therapeutic properties. In the long run, they may lower your risk of cancer, heart disease, obesity, and immune disorders. Interested to find out more? Let's see why… Continue Reading
The Dangers of Food Coloring- Who doesn't love the gorgeous color of raspberry ice cream or caramel? Not to mention certain liquors like Curacao, or many of those fruity juices and sodas. Unfortunately, it's exactly those beautiful colors that can make us sick. From ADHD to cancer and obesity, food dyes have been linked to a host of diseases.… Continue Reading
The Truth about Dairy: Separating Myth from Fact- Nobody can deny that drinking a glass of warm milk simply feels good! Not to mention specialties like cream cheese and Greek yogurt, which delight our senses. The question is: how healthy are these foods? Some experts say that they help build strong bones, reduce heart disease risk, and boost immunity. Others claim that… Continue Reading
The Amazing Power of Tea Tree Oil- More and people are switching to natural remedies to enjoy better health and well-being. Tea tree oil is a favorite choice and can be found in just about any pharmacy and beauty store. Also known as melaleuca, this healing concoction supports wound healing, relieves inflammation, and fights infection. It boasts powerful antibacterial compounds that… Continue Reading
5 Natural Ways to Settle Your Pet’s Upset Stomach- Just like their human parents, pets can experience digestive distress. Bloating, nausea, vomiting, and stomach aches are common. Stress, for instance, may cause dog bloat, a condition that can be deadly if left untreated. Unfortunately, medications can affect your pet's liver, so they should be your last resort. Try these simple ways to settle… Continue Reading
Replace Saturated Fats with Unsaturated Fats- Not all fats are created equal. Some promote cardiovascular health, reduce cholesterol levels, and fight inflammation. Others have the opposite effect. Saturated fats aren't necessarily bad as long as they're consumed in moderation. However, since most foods contain this type of fat, it's easy to go overboard. A diet rich in meat, dairy, eggs,… Continue Reading
5 Reasons Why Hugging Is Good for You- When was the last time you hugged someone? Was it today, last week, or a month ago? According to health experts, hugging should be part of your daily routine. Even a 10-second hug can boost your immune system, ward off infections, and keep depression at bay. Hugging for 20 seconds a day improves cardiovascular… Continue Reading
Natural Ways to Combat Dandruff- Tired of seeing those white flakes on your hair and scalp? Have you tried just about everything to get rid of dandruff, but nothing worked? If so, you're not alone. In fact, more than half of the population worldwide has dandruff. This scalp disorder is caused by certain microorganisms, such as the Propionibacterium and… Continue Reading